The main causes behind cracked heels is due to prolonged standing at work or any other activites which keeps your feet busy, being overweightis another cause for dry feet, continuous exposure to water takes away the natural oil from the feet leaving behind dry cracked heels, old age can be yet another cause for dry cracked heels as the skin loses elasticity with age, ill fitting shoes is the most common cause for cracked feet.
For cracked heel treatment, using home remedies other than cream products will help you regain your beautiful soft feet.
These home remedies for dry cracked heels is inexpensive and easy to use for all women and men who suffer from this cracked heels causingfoot pain.
Listed below is ways for your cracked heel treatment
1.Before applying any sort of home remedies, wash your feet first with a mild soap. Sesame oil is the best home made home remedy. Rub the sesame oil gently on the foot. Leaving it over night, wear on a pair of socks.
2.Lemon is the best product for cracked heel treatment. Squeeze a piece of lemon in quarter bucket of warm water. After a while, use pumice stone to rub your cracked heels. This helps to remove the dead skin.
3.Coconut oil does wonders. With the palms of your hand, massage your heels well with coconut oil. Leave it overnight with a pair of socks on. Next morning rub your heels with the help of a pumice stone and wash well with hot water.
4.Make a paste of banana pulp, avocado and half a coconut. Using this paste, massage your foot gently. Leave it for about 10 to 15 minutes and then rinse well with warm water. The coconut and avocado is rich in fat soluble vitamins which will keep your feet moisturized.
5.Simply soak your feet in warm water and soap and after the skin seems soft, use a pumice stone to get rid of the dead skin on your heels.
6.The juice of papaya and lemon also helps for cracked heel treatment. Rub the juice on the heel and wash off after 15 to 20 minutes.
Look after your feet and prevent is from getting these ugly deep cracks. Add to your diet, foods that is rich in calcium ( milk, cheese, butter, curd, tinned fish, natural juices) , iron ( vegetables, chicken, fish, cereals) and zinc ( brown rice, kidney bean, curd).
Other fruits and vegetables which help to prevent dry cracked feet is that of carrots, jackfruit seeds, pumpkin seeds and watermelon.
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