Aamir Khan has announced that he would next be working with Reema Kagti on the yet untitled suspense drama. While the film's leading ladies (there are two in the film) are yet to be revealed, it is being said that this joint production of Farhan Akhtar-Ritesh Sidhwani and Aamir Khan would be ready for release by end of 2011.
Now here is the scoop. The makers of this film are also the ones behind Shah Rukh Khan's DON 2 (which is also being directed by Farhan Akhtar), which is all set for 23rd December release. This means that it could well be the case of a little too much for the production house as well to release two of their major films around the same time.
"I can't really be commenting on this actually", Reema maintains her distance from the production matters, "The release plans are still being talked about and I don't know the exact timeline of the film's release. Yes, there are talks about releasing it before end of 2011 but let's see."
However, the fact still remains that suspense dramas are not known for being opulent affairs which means that this Aamir Khan film could be possibly smaller in comparison to his other films in the past. Of course all of this is still a speculation and the best person to comment upon the scale of the film would be Reema.
"Well, yes you are right; it is futile to speculate. Also, it is hard to quantify things in the manner you state. All I can say at this point is that the film would be good enough to compete with the biggest of films in 2011", says Reema.
While one waits for that to happen, there would indeed be some double delight in store if the two films release close to each other.
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