There may be hundreds of directors who'd dream of signing on India's biggest bonafide superstar, Shah Rukh Khan (SRK), but the actor has a wish list of his own. Khan, who is currently shooting for Abhinav Sinha's superhero movie, Ra.
One, on Monday tweeted the names of some directors who he'd like to work with in the future, on the micro blogging website, Twitter. The actor tweeted, "Would love to work with Vishal (Bhardwaj), Anurag (Kashyap or Basu), Mani (Ratnam) sir, Raju (Hirani), and so many other gifted directors.
But we have to have something which suits us all." Khan's list was intriguing, since in the past, he has been associated with projects of most of these directors, and has either turned down, or has not been able to work with them.
Apart from Mani Ratnam, who the actor worked with in Dil Se, SRK has been approached by all the other directors on his wish list. The actor was supposed to work with Hirani on Munnabhai MBBS, but due to his back problems, had to back out from the project.
Sanjay Dutt later stepped into the role, and the movie went on to be a blockbuster. There were also reports that Bhardwaj had approached Khan with a movie, but when Khan suggested changes in the script, the duo fell out.
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Wednesday, June 9, 2010
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